How to Choose the Right Fitness Program
The reason most people fail when it comes to long-lasting fitness is that they select the wrong fitness program for themselves. Exercise, like most things in life, is not one size fits all.
Some people choose a program because it is advertised at a commercially popular gym, they see it on TV, or it has a cult following. However, these programs will typically be too difficult for the average person. Those people will end up unable to complete the program due to frustration, and eventually, injury.
On the other end of the spectrum, there are those who select a fitness routine that is way too easy for them.
You’ve probably seen these people doing slow, boring cardio while reading a book, watching a television program, or even doing the crossword puzzle! The end result here is that they will quit this routine because they become frustrated by not seeing any results.
In our practice, we select the right program for each individual client based on a fitness assessment. We take a look at each individual client’s strengths and weaknesses, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and we also take their interests into account.
We base our individual programs on a term called RPE: rate of perceived exertion. This is more or less a subjective determination of how intense your workout program is. Basically, the extreme fitness regimen is typically in the 9 to 10 range, while the way-too-easy fitness program is usually in the 1 to 3 range. In our practice we like to keep our clients in the 5 to 7 range with intervals into the 8s. This ensures long-lasting success, rather than temporary, or little results.
What it truly comes down to is selecting the right program for you. Once you have a program that is a match for your current fitness level, then you’re able to be successful in your number one goal, which is adhering to your fitness program. Consistency is key.
When it comes to your health, choosing the right fitness program is the first step to success.
By: Justin A. Seedman BS, CPT, CHC
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