How to Build a Home Gym You Will Actually Use: Gear That’s Worth the Money
Joe is sitting on the couch eating chips, and an infomercial comes on…”walk for 10 minutes a day and look like a fitness model with the CrossFlex 5000 TredMill Xtreme.” He purchases this large, expensive machine for thousands of dollars for his home gym and Joe uses the machine for a few times a week for a few weeks. Shortly after it becomes a dust collector and clothes rack.
He thinks to himself: maybe if I move it into my bedroom right next to my bed it will be the first thing I see in the morning and last thing I see at night, surely I’ll use it more. After a few months of very inconsistent use, Joe decides to move it to the family room. He thinks: if I can walk while watching some Seinfeld episodes, the time will fly by. After several more months of nonuse, the CrossFlex 5000 finds a new home in Joe’s garage and then inevitably to Craigslist where Joe sells it for pennies compared to what he paid.
The days of big, bulky, expensive home gym equipment are a thing of the past; and frankly unnecessary, since we live in beautiful south Florida where you can walk, run, and bike outdoors even in the “winter.”
The home gym fitness equipment that we recommend and use in our private practice is completely different. This type of gear is both portable, versatile, and functional.
Don’t purchase everything at once. Start with 3 pieces of equipment – you can always add more items in the future.
Here is a list of my favorite gear for your home gym:
- TRX Suspension Trainer
- TRX Rip Trainer
- Bosu Elite
- Trigger Point Therapy Grid Foam Roller
- Indo board
- Kettlebell
- Club Step
- Power Block Dumbbells
- OPTP Stretch Out Strap
- Lebert Equalizer
None of these are affiliate links.
Each of these products comes with excellent, detailed information on how to use them in the form of digital downloads, not to mention endless user generated content on YouTube and Facebook.
If you need help learning how to use this equipment or assistance setting up a program we would love to help you reach your fitness goals.
By: Justin A. Seedman ACE-BS, CPT, CHC, BCS
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